Friday 22 March 2013

Reflective Journal: 22/3/13 (2)

I wanted to learn a lot more about pop up so i started in southampton library looking at paper engineering books and children's pop ups for inspiration.

To carry on the research i come across a channel on YouTube about making and knowing about the basic pop-up techniques. Heres the videos that interested me the most.

After watching these it got me thinking on what work of my own i can create or adapt to work with these pop-up ideas. But firstly i gave the Pop-up techniques a go using magazine cut outs and plain paper.

Reflective Journal: 22/3/13

I researched into 'hard back' book binding as i know i am going to have to make the inside of the book myself, i wanted the binding to be original. here are some of the websites of the places i called around for quotes and timings.

Because of what i was asking for i was being quoted £200-£450 for one book, my plan was to have a few printed, so getting a hard back covered book at that price is now out the question and cofirms the adaptions i need to do to hand in on time.

The adaptions

In my proposal my vision was to create a hard back book half full of pop-up. I've decided due to time that the book with have pop up as a element of the book, so the pop-up will be more of a surprise and you look through. My next decision was to use simple pop up ideas so i can save time on making the book. Also to make the book as soft back due to it needing a week for printing instead of 4 weeks for a hard back, this all gives me time to create content for my book.

My Posts

I would like to mention that my post dates and the dates i have written on my post titles are different, this is because i write my thoughts and notes on paper, then update my blog as and when i can.

Getting back into things..

After a series of serious health problems happening in my family over the past month or so, i lost motivation for my work and uni all together and was close to giving up. At this point i chose to apply to extenuating circumstances.

During this period of time i still was looking and thinking (in a small amount) of what shoots i wanted to create, but getting up and doing it was the hard bit!....

i was having my 'up' and 'down' days but one morning about 2 weeks ago i woke up with the attitude of life WONT beat me. So heres where i started some serious research.

I got to grips with the fact that with the time i had left that i wont be able to fully ful-fill my brief so i started to think about what adaptions i could make...